Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bristol Palin doesn't regret teenage pregnancy

I'm very outspoken (surprise, surprise) when it comes to teen pregnancy. Most people are, right?
I've seen the effects of teenage pregnancy personally in my life, including but not limited to my sister's experience. She has five children that she started having when she was 14.
She has struggled and so have her children. I have seen family friends who have had to give children up for adoption.
Bristol Palin can go on national news and speak out about how she doesn't regret teenage pregnancy, but she can also say that with the benefit of a very supportive (and famous) family who will help her raise the child.
Unfortunately, most teenage mothers are not in that situation and should not look to Bristol Palin as a role model.
Also, Bristol Palin can say now that she has no regrets, when her child is roughly four months' old. Get past the diaper stage, get into those very difficult trials and tribulations of child-rearing where a parent's emotional maturity is the best support a child can have. Then we'll see if you have any regrets.
Child-rearing isn't about having a cute baby, a real-life doll that is fun to dress up. Child-rearing is about sacrifice and helping a human being that you created navigate the tricky waters of life.
Bueno suerte.

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