Monday, July 27, 2009

Another Burns Documentary

I love a great documentary, and I especially admire the work of Ken Burns, who (no pun intended) hit it out of the ballpark with a mesmerizing documentary on the history of baseball, simply titled, "Baseball." "Baseball" is roughly 16 years old now, but its story is timeless.
Burns is back this September, now with a documentary on the National Park System of the United States. "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" begins airing on PBS on Sept. 27.
I admit, I'm partial to anything that encourages exploration of the U.S. park system. I think it's miraculous and wonderful. (It is one of my life's goals to visit each national park in the U.S.)
Jane Q and Joe Q Public need to understand that these havens didn't just happen; they came about because of the work and sacrifice of individuals.
Burns will highlight this. If his work on "Baseball" is any indication, the product will be outstanding and truly engaging.

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