Friday, December 19, 2008

Gizmo's Surgery

Gizmo the Cat had surgery this morning.
Do you want to know what made up the mass?
Balinese cat hair, to be precise.
The vet tech calls me and says, "We can't believe it was a hairball. It was most impressive."
Dante and the regular vet, Dr. Barger, want to see the hairball, just to ogle at its sheer size. Dr. Barger and the vet internist who ran the ultrasound along with another vet, Dr. Ross, have spent the past few days researching cancers that arise in Balinese cats.
They of course wouldn't tell us that they thought it might be cancer, but, well, what could grow THAT large and actually displace the intestines?
It's been quite a story among the vets at Acre View Pet Hospital and Holland Referral Veterinary Clinic, where the ultrasound was performed. Dr. Barger is going to keep the X rays in her clinical files to show people, it astounded her that much.
So the whole cat saga has a happy ending. And just when everyone thinks that Dante doesn't care about the cats, let it be known that he was the one who talked me into taking Gizmo to the vet when he noticed the change in her behavior.

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