Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's all about perspective

Depressed over economic news?
What you may be lacking, my friends, is perspective.
When people complain to me about living in the United States especially ... I say, "Well, you're not stuck here." As proof, I offer the fact that we have an attic (Canada) and a basement (Mexico), and you are more than welcome to pack up your belongings and head to either location and at least test the waters of living in another country for a while.
But, I will tell you, my former manager at the Graduate College just moved to Canada. It cost her $10,000 USD.
If you want more details of the frustrations she's faced, I can put you in touch with her.
But until then, I would like to share the story of the 10 worst currencies in the world.
This will give you perspective.


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