Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Those Pirates

So a tanker is floating in some of the most dangerous waters in the world with one-quarter of one day's total oil production from one of the most oil-rich regions in the world.
What do we know about oil, friends? We know it's the most sought-after resource, don't we?
How big is our tanker, friends?
Look at the picture at the link here
Just check it out.

Then, look at this link. Check out the photo of the boats the pirates use. (And pay attention, because that's not sophisticated weaponry).

Now, call me silly, but if I was sending a tanker with such a sought-after resource into the most dangerous waters in the world, I would anticipate the danger of pirates.
(Hint: These waters are not the most dangerous waters because of the shark population or rogue waves).
I would also laugh at the size of their boat, and I would blow those pirates out of the water. And I would have armed, trained folks on board my tanker to kick the crap out of the pirates.
Bomb those suckers back to Somalia.
In fact, I would look forward to the challenge, but that's Rambo Angie.
I know there were 18 pirates, so perhaps they had several boats. But come on. Seriously.
I'm assuming they weren't all piled onto one boat, for example, although life surprises me sometimes.
And if they were, that puts you as Tanker Master in an even better position. Use your noggin and your resources and CHARGE!

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