Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Irony of Hippies

Pay attention to the line, "Bolinas wears its xenophobia proudly."
Bolinas is a town in California called a hippie haven.

And up to 20 people stood by and watched this beating, and not a soul stopped it. The person who was beaten was defending another homeless person.

And let me say that homelessness is not the homeless person's problem, it's society's problem. People who are homeless often struggle from addiction and mental problems. In my opinion, a person is not solely responsible for his or her psychological make-up. It's a complex mix of many, many things, including family, era, etc. (I won't get started on my bandwagon).

The mark of the morality of a society, it's often said, is how a society treats its elderly. But one could make the argument that the true moral mark of a society is the way it treats its homeless.

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