Tuesday, July 29, 2008

LA's Proposed Fast Food Ban


This is frightening. LA's City Council is proposing a moratorium on fast food restaurants in one of the poorest areas of the city.

Big Brother needs to go home. If something like this is accepted, it won't be long before foods are banned in grocery stores, etc.

Alas, the City Council wants to save poor people from themselves, but I have news. If the City Council manages to pass this, people will find other ways to get their fast food.

Diet is partially key to the obesity epidemic. I can tell you what the other part is: exercise. I know it may surprise some people, but Joe and Jane Q. Public have to get off their rumps and move about.

The obesity epidemic has resulted from a combination of things, and in amongst poor folks, it takes time, energy, money and dedication to help them undergo substantial change.

Habits that humans adopt are very, very hard to break, especially among impoverished people. How do I know this? I was once an impoverished person. I was born into poverty, and I spent time studying in Family and Consumer Studies at Kent State University during my undergrad, during which time we would go into housing projects and watch how people live and the cycles that have persisted for generations that they want to break, but time and money stifles that potential.

I remember traveling to A Needle's Eye with my pastor in high school. This was a shelter in Youngstown, Ohio, that helped poor people. It takes a constant, conscious effort to make change happen in one person, let alone an entire city.

Taking away their fast food isn't going to do it.

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