Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Habit Challenge

I have some shocking news, dear readers, which I know will come as a total surprise.
I have quit chai.
After nearly 8 years, 3 months, 2 days, 12 hours and 23 minutes, I have kicked my daily chai habit. I think it was discovery of the sugar content that shocked me. In the amount I was drinking, there was 1/3 cup of sugar.
I feel like I belong in a 12-step program for recovering addicts. Chai was like my life force, my constant companion, my blanky if I were Linus.
I feel like Forrest Gump in the movie of the same name, when he ran and ran and ran and gathered all those followers.
Then, one day, he was just done.
Much like Dante with his 10-year cigarette habit. He tried for years to quit, then one day, he was just done. He didn't want to do it anymore.
The truth is, I've never been much of an addict. If I had the addiction gene, life in Oklahoma would have turned me into an alcoholic long ago. It's not that life on the prairie is that bad, it's that there is literally nothing else to do (according to some folks) than to drink.
Nay, nay, I say.
I smoked cigarettes way back when, but I never liked the feeling of being hostage to anything. Plus, I never liked stinking.
Then, you watch a few relatives drop like flies from lung cancer, and it puts things into perspective. No one needs a cigarette that badly.
So I stand here before you today, clean as a whistle, and proud that I've dropped the habit. Now, I challenge all of you to pick one thing you do that's a bad habit and STOP IT.
Find out what works for you in order to stop it. And do it.
I'm standing here today a reformed woman. If I can quit chai, anyone can quit anything.

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