Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Land of Severe Weather

As I'm writing this, we're experiencing severe weather again. We're talking 80 MPH winds with rain and lightening and of course thunder. No tornadoes. Yet. The wind decided to play all over the place rather than forming into a funnel.
I'm talking wind gushing across the prairie that will wipe you off the map. It's humbling, really. Apparently, Oklahoma City had four minor earthquakes today, too.
People here in Oklahoma embrace it, though, I must say. As a matter of fact, folks here have a drinking game in honor of a local weatherman named Gary England.
People watch England during the storms and whenever he says certain words or phrases (wall cloud, lightening, "Watch Out, flying Okie") you have to drink a shot.
Yes, really.
Dante passed out after the fourth mention of "Watch out, flying cow."

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