Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Great Athlete Debate

I've been glued to the television for these Olympics. Something has just drawn me in this time.
And, of course, Michael Phelps' performance has fueled the debate, Who is the greatest athlete of all time? (I'm going to use this on my poll when the last poll expires). But it is interesting to think about.
Is it Tiger Woods? Babe Ruth? Wayne Gretsky? (Dante would probably say it's Gretsky). Michael Jordan? (I'm partial to Jordan, but that's also because I like basketball more than any other sport). Who else belongs on the list for the Great Athlete Debate? Should there even be a Great Athlete Debate by looking at athletes across sports, or should you just select the Greatest Athlete per sport?
And, if you don't consider golf a sport, can Tiger Woods be considered?

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